So with most of the terrain printed or sourced, I ventured down to my local DIY store and purchased myself three 1200mm x 600m sheets of 9mm plywood (that's 4ft by 2ft in old money). The rationale was that they would be easier to transport and store than a single 6ft by 4ft board). It also allowed for some modularity if required.
I also purchased a 8' x 4' sheet of 2" polystyrene so that I could build the levels of the board in a lightweight way. My thinking was that a 2" level change best replicated what was required for 25/28mm figures.
My next step was to set everything up on a table and see how it looked.
I got out my store of printed and purchased (mostly Tabletop World) buildings and set them out in an approximation of what I wanted to achieve.
This let me determine where I would have open spaces and where I would require levels. It also provided me with an idea of whether I had printed enough walls and roads.
Roads, you say? It was at this point I realised the 20 feet of roads I had printed were too narrow for my requirements. Or at best, I needed a mix of widths. Back to the print farm for some upscaled roads 😊

Once I was happy with the general layout I started the building process. The 50mm sheets of polystyrene were glued with PVA to the plywood base. I then used a jigsaw to cut the upper levels and they were again glued with PVA. This gave me a base against which to glue the printed wall sections, steps etc.
Following on from this - and not yet in the photos - any exposed polystyrene edge was coved in 50mm black fabric duct tape. Thinking here was that providing protection to the polystyrene would increase its longevity.
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