Thursday, April 8, 2021

Mournival Challenge - Alistair Allan

It was a slower month overall in March, work kicked off in a big way and kept me distracted from a lot of hobby, and then there’s the hobby butterfly syndrome...

1. Paint a new 40k army

2. Create a table of terrain to support a game

In concept, advanced to layout planning and transport planning

3. Build and paint an Adeptus Titanicus engine
4. Run a simple narrative campaign for the group

On pause

5. Add two new units to an existing 40k army

6. Paint a 40k hero from an army you don’t own

Painted and made some squigs 🤷‍♂️ , worked on KoS

7. Play a game a month and post a photo of it

Played AOS twice and posted in Miramar Freebooters page

8. Build/Paint a Warcry warband

This has become a Squig army now

9. Organise a multiplayer game
10. Attend two The Long War events at the Warlords

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