Thursday, September 18, 2014

Crack's Call - Lists

Crack's Call is being held on the weekend of 27/28 September in Masterton.

This is the Marauders' first event in the wilds of the Waiarapa.

It is 2000 points and the lists can be found here

In addition there will be a steeplechase event on the Saturday night where the participants will try and navigate their Warhammer mount to racing glory.


  1. My top 3 picks for podium:

    Stuart - Throgg, ten trolls and two chimeras. It's like a petting zoo for the mentally deranged.

    Greg - Dark Elf cav, bolt throwers and shades; close combat is for the weak!

    Neil - he's turned in his TK for a Bret wall of steel and lances, topped off with French names to lure you into the trap.

    Who do you think will take it out?


  2. Replies
    1. If you get to combat then sure.....Sam.

      But people will need to be very very stupid to stand in front of your two blocks and fight.

      Are people stupid? Yes, sometimes they are.

    2. My plan is to use my shooting and fast cav to clear the chaff out of the way. Whether that works or not is a different story.

    3. I'm sure you'll do well. But you are killing my outsider betting market talking yourself up

  3. Bugger
    That was my battle plan. To stand in front of the blocks and drop rocks on their heads while Sam stands there wondering what the hell I am doing.
